10 Years of MS

Today is the 10 anniversary since my diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis. It’s not an anniversary I thought I would celebrate but I have been reflecting recently and I think Super Sarah and I have come a long way. We have learned a lot. Here are the biggest lessons that we have learned:

1. A sense of humour really helps. We laugh a lot, mostly at the ridiculousness of a situation. An excellent example of this is when I stumbled and slid down a unit, then 5 seconds later the neatly piled laundry on said unit landed on my head!

2. Patience. We are pretty laid back most of the time but I can become pretty frustrated particularly when my hands aren’t working. Super Sarah calms me down, reminds me that it isn’t a race and we work on it together.

3. Live life to the fullest. As a powerchair user, flying is not really an option for me. So we adventure in different ways. Super Sarah and I go to gigs (it is our favourite thing to do) and try different accessible things with our friends at Euan’s Guide. Most recently we tried beach wheelchairs, it was amazing!

This picture is of me trying out a beach powerchair at North Berwick, it is summer and the sun is shining brightly matching the yellow of the chair. It would be the perfect picture had I not been making a funny face!

4. Communication and listening to one another. It’s so important and this way we both know what is going on, know our limits and we can try to plan around this.

So let’s say cheers to 10 years!

This is a picture of Super Sarah and I looking silly with face masks on. If we have a rough day, we have a Sarah Spa Day and relax. We are smiling in the photo as the face mask hadn’t set yet!

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